• How do I access Blipearth?
    Simply download the app from the app store that you use. Then, share your login credentials to create an account and start exploring.
  • You create an account by sharing your login name, a working email address and password, your city, and some obligatory information about yourself, such as gender and date of birth. You can also login via your Facebook or Google account.
  • The geolocation technology on your phone allows you to search in the geography that you are currently in or the one that you anticipate being in soon. Once you find a location that you’re enjoying, you can share it via a post (click the I’m Here Now button) and also share a live video of that location or venue in real-time, so others can view it.
  • Don't see a pin on the venue that you’re looking for? Well, you might be the first Blipearth user to discover that venue. You can create a new page for the venue by simply searching the name of your location and filling out the appropriate information. You can also categorize the venue (i.e. as live music, a bar, club, hotel, sports club, etc.).
  • Of course, we welcome you to do so. Our users appreciate more and more information about the posts that are shared, as well as the venues and locations that are visited. Collectively, this helps inform others about what’s hot in a particular geography.
  • Blipearth and all the basic functions are free.
  • Everyone. From its earliest days, Blipearth users were primarily people aged 25-40, but today the largest growth of new members on Blipearth is aged between 35-49 years. You must be 13 years old or older to use Blipearth.
  • If you are a close relative of someone who has a page on Blipearth and can demonstrate that you have legal authority to handle his/her estate, you should contact us, so their account can be deleted or converted into a memorial page. You can contact carlos.brussa@blipearth.com.
  • Yes, you can disable your account and key information about yourself.
  • Initially, the aim of the app was for users to use Blipearth for fun; but, statistics show that more and more people find business opportunities (and sometimes jobs) through networking and friends they encounter on Blipearth. It’s becoming increasingly more popular amongst companies, too.
  • It would not be advantageous for Blipearth if information about its users was distributed on a large scale. We do all that is reasonably possible to secure your data. Unfortunately, it's not possible to ensure that all information about you will be completely secure.
  • It is free for third parties to build applications for Blipearth. We also welcome opportunities for API collaboration.
  • There is no challenge deleting friends/contacts on Blipearth. Clicking on those who you are connected to will give you an opportunity to click a button that will allow you to remove the friend/contact.
  • If you want to delete your Blipearth account, email carlos.brussa@blipearth.com to request the deletion of your account.
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