Blipearth was built to bring the world closer together. We endeavor to help you connect with your chosen people more, discover local events and find groups to join. We recognize that people use Blipearth to connect, but not everyone wants to share everything with everyone—including with us. It’s important that you have choices when it comes to how your data is used. These are the principles that guide how we approach privacy at Blipearth.

We give you control of your privacy

We want you to be able to make the privacy choices that are right for you. We want to make sure you know where your privacy controls are and how to adjust them. We develop controls based on feedback from around the world, and we will endeavor to offer functionality that allows you to limit the extent to which the full breadth of Blipearth’s membership can view your profile and posts.

We help people understand how their data is used

While our Data Policy describes our practices in detail, we go beyond this to give you even more information. Upon request, we are happy to speak with you about this in detail.

We design privacy into our products from the outset

We endeavor to design privacy into Blipearth’s platform with guidance from experts in areas like data protection and privacy, security, engineering, product management, and public policy. Our emerging privacy team will seek to learn about these diverse perspectives, so we can incorporate them, where appropriate, into the growing platform.

We work hard to keep your information secure

We work zealously to help protect people’s accounts, and we build security into Blipearth’s platform. Our security systems run to help catch threats and remove them before they ever reach you. Eventually, you will also have the opportunity to use additional security tools such as two-factor authentication to help keep your account even more secure.

You own and can delete your information

You own the information you share on Blipearth. This means you decide what you share and who you share it with on Blipearth, and you can change your mind. That’s why we give you tools to delete what you’ve posted. We remove it from your timeline and from our servers. You can also delete your account whenever you want.

Improvement is ongoing

We’re often working to develop new controls and design them in ways that explain things to people clearly. We invest in consultancy beyond Blipearth, including developers, privacy professionals and more.

We are accountable

In addition to comprehensive privacy reviews, we put our platform through data security testing. We also listen to regulators and privacy experts around the world to get input on our data practices and policies.

Contacts Permissions

The App requires the contact permission and sync the contacts on blipearth server to provide the connected suggestion of uers, We are not sharing the contacts to any of the third party. However user have option to accept or decline the permission, The app does not stop him to procees, It is just an optional feature.

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